Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Acholi Heartbeat for Knoxville International Jazz Festival



Dr Abe brings mixture of updated songs from her childhood as well as several of her own compositions, marrying African rhythms with the freedom of reggae and Jazz. An interesting brand reminiscent of what Paul Simon achieved with his "Graceland" Album. Dr Abe grew up in Gulu, born to the Acholi tribe, she was raised

within a powerful culture, rich with heartfelt songs and colourful energetic dance. Dr Abe fled Uganda in 1972 during the Idi Amin era. She has been a General Practitioner in the UK for the past 20 years. With a Masters Degree in Tropical diseases.

Dr Abe's husband Wilson Okwonga a respected Consultant surgeon, died in an unexplained helicopter crash in 1983. Due to the political unrest in Uganda a lot of the Acholi tribes cultural attributes have been suppressed. In the last 10 years Dr Abe has worked in camps for internationally disposed people, among other charitable causes she counsels in the UK.

Dr. Abe has a whole troupe that can be sized down and will overwhelm and be the attraction of the festival. Dr Abe's Acholi Heart Beat dancers and musicians are children who have survived the IDP Camps; many of them have excelled beyond imaginable obstacles just to survive. Having them perform and dance and tell their story will be an experience without equal. You can visit Dr.Abe My Sapce from the link below:
