President Obama answered questions from Zuckerberg, the crowd and participants across the Web. Once again utilizing the power of new emerging technology to drive his point home! Questions asked by the participants included the national debt, the budget, the economic recovery, the Dream Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors), immigration, Medicare and Medicaid and education.
President Obama emphasized again and again for the need for more engineers and programmers; and hopes his administration will change the education structure; and streamlines the education system to emphasize science and math; clean energy and the convergence of the healthcare industry and technology in order to compete in the world economy. President Obama is probably the first president to utilized the power of the new emerging technology to reach a wide cross section of audiences. He is not new to Silicon Valley. In Fe
bruary he met with the leaders of the tech industry and he had dinner with some of them including the CEOs from Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, Yahoo and other leading tech companies to discuss the global media disruption. When he last visited the Valley he emphasize his vision for expansion of technology and education, as he did when he visited Intel in February to reiterate the need for more engineers in the field. Since his last State Of The Union address where he spent a significant amount of his speech on the need to pour money into tech, Obama has been making the rounds of the leaders in the industry to push the point home. "We are in Silicon Valley, so, let's talk IT stuff," Obama said at one point. "I will try to pretend that I know what I am talking about."

President Obama makes jokes that he is not tech savvy, but he is perhaps the American president most attuned to how current and emerging technology can lead the United States to a new economy and status in the global ecosystem. For Obama, that all starts with education. "I want people to feel the about the next big energy break through or the next big Internet breakthrough the same way they felt about the moon launch," Obama said. "That is how we are going to stay competitive for the future and that is why these investments in education are so important."
The president praised Zuckerberg as well as Bill Gates' charitable organizations for the work they do in advancing education in the realm of science and technology. "Government alone cannot do it, there needs to be a cultural shift where we buckle down and say 'this stuff is important,'" Obama said. "That is why the work you, Mark, are doing is important, work that the Gates Foundation is doing in philanthropic investments in best practices in education [is] going to be so important. We have to lift our game up. That is hopefully one of the most important legacies I can leave as president of the United States."
Obama talked about the need for a cultural shift in American education that would create the type of people that can lead the United States in a technological evolution. Technology, education, research, and jobs forms the cornerstone of the President's domestic agenda. He sees, technology and jobs creation as a key to reduce the number of unemployment. "That is why we are emphasizing math and science, that is why we are emphasizing math and sciences for girls that is why we are emphasizing making sure that black and Hispanic kids are getting math and science.
We have to do a much better job at STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and that is one of the reasons that we had one of the first science fairs at the White House in a very long time [was] just because we want to start making science cool." Technology, education, research, and jobs forms the cornerstone of the President's domestic agenda. In particular, technology and jobs creation have been the focus of the last two days of his travels, as President Obama was joined by executives from some of the country's leading technology companies
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