Almost since the day Barack Obama announced his run for president around 2008, a group of people who are known as birther developed around the idea that President Obama is in fact wasn't born in the United States, but was a "Kenyan." Boehner and McConnell were all quiet and scared to confront the birthers!! The "birthers." continued to push the ridiculous idea that President Obama wasn't born in the US, and is in fact not qualified to be president. Even though the evidence of his birth in Hawaii is overwhelming:
• His certification of live birth from the state of Hawaii has been available on the Internet since 2008 • Both of Honolulu's major news papers published accounts of his birth at the time • Hawaiian officials have personally verified that his birth certificate is on file and valid.
The idea was so preposterous that it seemed destined to remain confined to the lunatic fringe. After all, there was more than enough proof that Obama was born in Hawaii -- including official state documentation, and birth announcements in both of

Honolulu's newspapers at the time.
Today most of the Republican base and among those who voted Republican in 2010, 64% said it was not clear Obama was born in the US (source: PDF) • Among those who watch Fox News on a daily basis, 63% said it was not clear (source: PDF) • At least a dozen members of the House GOP caucus reportedly believe this as well In short, in order to believe that President Obama was not born in America, you have to believe that all these documents are frauds, that all these officials are lying, and that somehow somebody invented a time machine to go back and place these birth announcements. And now Donald Trump has joined them, and is positioning himself as "King of the birthers" See it for yourself in the video below:
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