On December 27, the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) convened an investment conference in Gulu. It mainly targeted the Ugandan Diaspora.
This article is largely a reproduction of the speech I wrote for the conference. I got the title by turning around the title of a Time Magazine article lamenting
After over two decades of war, Gulu is now wide open for business. You can see for yourself what the war of two decades has done. Hundreds of thousands displaced, hundreds of thousands dead, tens of thousands of our children abducted, social infrastructure destroyed or neglected. When there is an armed conflict business flees. Investors are conflict-shy. They do not want to be engulfed in violent conflict.

Since 2006 we have moved aggressively to rebuild our homeland. We have not only tackled the hardware like infrastructure, health centres and schools but also the software. We have inculcated in our people an attitude of tolerance and forgiveness as a way to promote community healing and social harmony. This is very much work in progress. Our belief is that peace is not just about an end to violence. Peace means giving the people a stake in the economy.
People want jobs so that they can earn incomes, which in turn enable them to pay for the education of their children, take care of their health and own homes. In short, the definition of peace for us must include an improvement in the quality of life of our people. That is why private investment is critical. Government can provide security, infrastructure and an enabling environment but private businesses, domestic and foreign, have a vital role to stand in the gap. Our local government is business-friendly, that is why Gulu is attracting scores of businesses. Since 2006 seven additional banks have made Gulu their home. Others

We have made it our business to promote Gulu as the fastest growing business hub in
In 2007, I met Kenya Airways CEO, Titus Naikuni and invited him to start a Nairobi–Gulu route. He agreed. This project also has the support of the line minister. Unfortunately the post-election violence in
This is possible through the creation of communal land trusts, which can be key partners in ensuring accessibility of communal land to investors. We are determined to have open debate on the land question. What we detest is when our people are made to appear as if they are blindly hostile to investors. That is totally untrue. There are just some disagreements over procedure. And through proactive dialogue and openness on our part and the part of the potential investors, this matter will cease to be a bone of contention.
We have also launched the Gulu District Investment Promotion Committee. Through this unit, we aim to attract, retain and nurture investment into Gulu. So why are we so confident about Gulu’s investment potential?
Our very own Gulu University is a growing centre for human resources development. Gulu has a high growth rate that has boosted the confidence of new businesses coming to Gulu. All these make Gulu one of Uganda’s busiest urban centres. Gulu has the potential to become one of Uganda’s leading tourism destinations. For now event-led tourism is our focus.
Lastly, we will work to improve the investment and socio- economic environment in partnership with the national government, lower local governments and organised private businesses.
Read more about Northern Uganda Crisis:
Uganda rebels keep peace on hold
Attack on Kony
Joseph KonyPeter Eichstaedt's page
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