Technology such as the Internet plays an important role in the political process and a candidate's ability to connect with voters on a personal level, increasing the candidate's chance of getting elected.
The use of the Internet and other electronic mediums also became more widespread, political candidates especially Senator Obama for example begun using Web sites, e-mail, blogs, podcasts, and other forms of electronic media effectively to convey his campaign messages to an even broader sector of the population in an effort to win the presidency in 2008 and he succeeded,with the help of Face book founder Chris Hughes - who devised an innovative Internet fund raising system - the campaign eventually attracted more than three million donors. He also used other source of Internet to (e-mail, face book, flickr, My Space etc) to raise money and mobilized his volunteers. The campaign used a masterful way at getting people out the vote. It ran a huge registration drive for likely Democrats.
Obama probably had one of the most sophisticated tech-driven election operations ever. His MyBarack and later are just one part of the use of the new media,the campaign devised. His campaign has an active presence in some 30 to 40 social networking sites and services, says Todd Ziegler with the online consultancy The Bivings Group. He set a new trend in campaign especially in a technology driven digital climate and data bank world wide without raising question about data mining!
His use of mobile phones came into play for this election. His campaign for example , told supporters that "he would announce his vice presidential choice via text message, and Garrett says that the campaign collected 3 million numbers in the lead up to the announcement".
Barack Obama told supporters that "change has come to America," as he addressed the country for the first time as the president-elect.
"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, at this defining moment, change has come to America," Obama, 47, told 125,000 ecstatic and jubilant supporters gathered in Chicago's Grant Park to celebrate his victory. He is now elected the 44th president of the United States, according to NBC, winning 338 electoral votes so far compared with 159 votes for his rival John McCain, according to NBC reports.
With results in from more than two-thirds of U.S. areas, he led McCain by 51 percent to 48 percent in the popular vote. Obama promised to ease the country's sharp political divisions and work for those voters who did not support him. Obama ran a brilliant, and disciplined campaign, a vast amount of money and a favorable political climate, the junior senator from Illinois has risen to the most powerful job in the world.
"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there."
In his victory speech in Chicago, Obama said he was looking forward to working with McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin "to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead."
Full text: Obama's victory speech
President Obama New Web page!
Obama believed in a CHANGE from a world as it is into a world as it should be and declared his candidacy to fight for the highest office that offers him a possibility of influencing the change he dreams of and he is ready to deliver!

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