By Iman Suryadi
With sun setting down in a vast Uganda land, the three watchers took up their turn to light and watch the dark night in a small house.A house belong to a small five members of a family. One little girl, named Margaret, always see the three watchers before she went to bed.
It was always a hard time in Uganda with never ending conflict, and a little pray must never be forgotten to keep young children feel save.
"Dear God, like the sun that kept me safe in day, please watch me also while I was sleeping...
"Then sleep Margaret through the night and so the rest of the family, being watch only by the three watchers.
It was always a hard time in Uganda with never ending conflict, and a little pray must never be forgotten to keep young children feel save.
"Dear God, like the sun that kept me safe in day, please watch me also while I was sleeping...
"Then sleep Margaret through the night and so the rest of the family, being watch only by the three watchers.
(Dedicated to unity and peace in Northern Uganda, inspired by World Wide Life Blog)
Picture courtesy of Willy Ochaya http://www.flickr.com/photos/wiliben/2905324547/sizes/m/
This story was taken from Iman Suryadi blog:-who fell in love with the picture of lamps from my flicker Photostreams and wanted to tell a short story of the lamps and he asked
"May I add this to my blog?" and I told him to go ahead! You can follow this link to his blog site http://storyofpicture.blogspot.com/
For further reading about Uganda check out the following URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/katine
Link to Kacoke Madit presentation papers:
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