Sunday, July 22, 2007

Congratulation Ms. Sophie Anyomoker

Congratulation Ms. Sophie!!!

On behalf of all the Acholi community in the Diaspora let us congratulate Ms. Sophie Anyomoker on having successfully completed her registration for the position of President in the upcoming UNAA 2007 elections. "We wish you all the best and thank you for your willingness to serve the UNAA and for representing the Acholi as a community"

This year Convention Program:

The convention program and forums this year will highlight achieving technological proficiency and the economic advantages that accompany it while embracing diversity , and will relate to solving our problems in Uganda and driving competitive advantage.

Entertainment, Tourist Attractions, Fine Dining, "must-see" tourist attractions, for example Fisherman's Wharf right across the hotel, Lombard Street (the "world's crookedest street"), Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge. For an elegant evening, dine at the Hotels Equinox Revolving Restaurant, which features breathtaking views of the bay to Register today click here.


Click here to view the official UNAA Convention Website.



Women of Truth said...

Hi my name is Candice Walker. I am intersted in getting to know some Acholi in the Los Angeles/Van Nuys, CA area. I will be moving to Gulu sometime in the next couple of years and would like to learn more about Acholi people. Is there any information that you could share with me to help?

latigof said...

Dear Candice,

The Acoli have a rich culture and heritage. The greatest Uganda writer Okot p'Bitek wrote a number of books, of which if you wish read: Horn of my Love, Acoli Proverbs, Hare and Horn Bill, White Teeth, Religion of the Central Luo, Song of Lawino, and many others.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Candice
Also check out the following published on World Wide life blog for literatures written in Acholi: