Sunday, June 17, 2007

The obituary:" Mwlimu" Lapwony Eremiya Opio

Eremiya Opiyo, D.E.O. Acholi, Bugishu, and Bukedi Districts is dead.

Born in Feb. 1918 in Koch Amar, Amuru district, Northern Uganda. Started Primary education in 1930, known as E.V. School (Elementary Vernacular School). In 1934 entered Gulu High School and stayed up to 1936. He joined Buwalasi Teachers College in 1937 and qualified as a Primary School Teacher in 1939. He was the first to qualify as a primary teacher in the Acholi district. He was posted to Gulu Primary School in 1940 where he stayed till 1951. In 1952 he was posted to Bobi Primary School as Head Master. In 1956 he went to Kyambogo Teachers College for upgrading and came out with Junior Secondary Teacher’s Certificate. He was posted to Gulu High School in 1957. After one year in 1958 he was transferred to Anaka to open a junior secondary school. In the same year he was appointed Assistant Education Officer, Acholi District. He was promoted to post of Education Officer Acholi District in 1962. In 1969 he was transferred to Mbale Municipality and Tororo Town Council as Education Officer Mbale/Tororo. He retired in 1974.

Hobbies included music. Was Choirmaster to Gulu High School for a long time.
Was appointed by Ministry of Education as Chairman Board Of Governors, BOG, Unyama Teachers College in 1974. He was a member of Education committees and a member of BOG to Gulu High School, Pope Paul II Anaka, Gulu Senior Secondary School, Koch Goma, National Teachers College, Unyama. He loved education and worked tirelessly to promote it. During his stay in Bunyoro, he opened the Kinyara Primary School and taught for 3 years without pay. He is succeeded by 5 daughters and a son.

A son to Lajany and Latigi Abeja, Brother to Adong Min Acan, Bodo Adoti, Aber Min Awor, Alwoch, Mariano Okullo, Martin Okot.

Husband to Gertrude Anek and Anna Adong.

Father to Lucy Lawino, Elizabeth (Betty ) Opiyo, Evelyn Agweng Jageno, Sophie Akot, Pauline Piloya, Denis Onen.

Grandfather to: George Kinyera, Peter Okwera, Michael Opiyo, Yvette Lapura, Henry Jageno, Benita, Phoebe Jageno and Abigail.

Teacher to many among which are: Dr. Apollo Milton Obote RIP – Ist President of Uganda, Otaema Alimadi, Okot Bitek, Okuto George, Archibishop Yona Okoth, Mrs. Rebecca Okwong, Mrs. Rebecca Odongkara, Mrs. Tabitha Lutara.

Colleague and friend to: Lapwony Anderea Ocitti (Madit), Lapwony Ocitti (Matidi) Abiringang, Lapwony Alipayo Oloya, Ladit Adimola, Tom Mugoya, Omusolo, Oguli, Paul Etyang, Banaya Angelo, Julio Okello, J. P. Abe, George Obwoya, Abuneri Owor, Atiko.

Clansman and Relative to: Ladit Rev Ojok, Anna Amailuk, Dorothy Ongom, Filda Lanyero, Rev Isaka Okumu, Ben Twodo, Yakkobo Obbo, Ambassador Julius Onen, Mrs A. Bwoch, Obadiya Lalobo, Barikiya Opobbo, Julius Odur, Okello Tony Lajany, Julius Okot-Taa, Rwot Francis Oryang-Lagony, Sister Mary Okee, Jeremiya Lukeka, Bala Amagoro, Charles Abola, Balson Odong.

Special Friend to: Rwot Lacito Okech, Samwiri Opira, Ongom Yoweri, Ladit Buyu, Aboo, Luyimbazzi Zzake former Minister of Education, Erica Labeja, Vitalbhai Patel, Modgil.

Educationist, Disciplinarian, Principled, Loved people, Gave and shared freely, Strict on hygiene and cleanliness and particular about what he ate, Loved cars and speed, Football, Music, Manager, Organizer, Planner.

Baba Eremiya the Hunter: Made first kill of a Topi in 1929 with a spear. Later with short guns and rifles hunted for sport in the company of J.P. Abe and Nua Kilara. As a young man Baba had accompanied his father Lajany and the clan for a hunt. There was a herd of Topi and one of the uncle’s Obura isolated two of the Topi’s and chased them towards the river where he lay in waiting. Meanwhile Baba was following close by and when there was no other option for the Topi’s but to plunge into the river, the uncle who was waiting by the river speared the animal as it plunged into the swollen river. It is customary that there should always be a follow up stab to ensure that the speared animal does not walk away. Baba was urged by the uncle to spear the animal and they made a kill. On this note the uncle blew his horn and shouted praises to the clan. After several attempts to announce the kill, Lajany answered in his characteristic horn and headed for the kill followed by a group of young men.

On arrival at the scene, the found the animal was being skinned and portioned according to tradition. The person to spear the animal first is given the head and one hind leg. The second person to spear the animal gets the neck, one fore leg and the ribs. At the age of 10/11 it was impossible for Baba to carry all the portions he had earned. The boys that accompanied Lajany helped carry the kill home.

When the group neared the homestead, the horn was sounded and women came rushing and responded with ululations and relieved the men of the meat. The meat was taken home and piled in one heap. Lajany then systematically divided the meat according to who deserved what parts and who earned what apart from those given to helpers.


Shannon Owor Tito said...

Thank you for sharing with us the life of this illustrious Acholi/Ugandan Educator. I am very proud that my father the Late Abuneri Owor was connect with this giant of a man. May his his memory be a source of encouragement to the future generation of sons and daughters of Acholi and beyond!

Unknown said...

Remember This giant of a very personable man fondly talked about by my late father Mr HK Moudgil from Mbale as an example of a good friend.