organization. The Board of Directors is composed of 12 members
headed by the President.
Committee, shall be ex-officio members of the Executive
Committee (Board of Directors) and shall serve as advisors to the
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may from time
to time appoint, as needed, any other officer(s) to serve in
designated capacity.
The organization is a not-for-profit corporation predicated on the
premise that, we, the members living in North America, have unique
economic, social and cultural needs which can be served better and
fulfilled in our own Organization.
Principal Office: The Association may have offices at such
place or places within North America as the Executive Committee
may, from time to time determine or the business of the
Corporation may require or make desirable. Registered Agent
and Registered Offices: The registered agent and registered
office shall be determined by the Executive Committee of
the Association.
Tax Exempt Status: the Ugandan North American
Association has successfully acquired its 501 (C) 3 status.
This means that specific contributions to UNAA by individuals
or organizations can now be claimed as tax exempt. The
avenues for more access to sponsorship have never been
wider. This has also raised the profile of our organization
an earned us the recognition of a true Not-for-Profit
Programs: The organization may achieve its objectives
through regular conferences and meetings, networking
activities, professional and business development seminars
and workshops, theatrical productions on positive values,
fundraising activities to supplement operating capital,
and newsletters.
is an equal opportunity Association. It does not discriminate,
for membership purposes, on the basis of race, color, religion,
ethnic or tribal affiliation. The Association is non-denominational,
non sectarian, non political, secular and not-for-profit. In these
Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, and henceforth, in any
official writing of the Association or public address, whenever
reference is made to a masculine gender, reference will also
be made to a feminine gender, thus he/she, his/hers.
Objectives of UNAA
- To stimulate and encourage nationwide acquaintance and fellowship
- To develop, through the exchange of information,
- To encourage business relationships and interaction.
- To promote unity and friendship.
- To promote and foster social, cultural, economic and
- To address needs peculiar to members of the Association.
- To engage in any lawful purpose or purposes
Principal Goals of The Conventions
Provide a venue where Ugandans from throughout the world can meet;
- to celebrate the rich diversity of their cultural heritage
- to discuss business
- to discuss politics
- to discuss matters relative to their daily social and domestic
- to enable single (unmarried) individuals from all over
You can visit their website at.