AllAfrica Global Media
AllAfrica aggregates and indexes content from over 125 African news organizations, plus more than 200 other sources, who are responsible for their own reporting and view.
Below is a list of publishers who provide content through AllAfrica, including their contact information and, where applicable, a web site address.
allAfrica.com (Washington, DC)
allAfrica.com is operated by AllAfrica Global Media, a multi-media content service provider and hosted by AllAfrica, Inc., the largest electronic distributor of African news and information worldwide.
Visit their site: http://allafrica.com/
24 Heures (Abidjan)
Francophone daily
Visit their site: http://www.24heuresci.com/
Accra Mail (Accra)
A daily newspaper published Monday through Thursday
Visit their site: http://www.accra-mail.com/
Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa)
Visit their site: http://www.addisfortune.com/
AfricaFocus (Washington, DC)
Visit their site: http://www.africafocus.org/
Agence Net Press (Bujumbura)
French daily
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (Nairobi)
Visit their site: http://www.agra-alliance.org/
Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique (Maputo)
The sole national news agency in Mozambique, producing news in Portuguese and English on Mozambican politics, economics and society.
Visit their site: http://www.sortmoz.com/aimnews
Altervision (Abidjan)
Aminata.com (Conakry)
Visit their site: http://www.aminata.com/
The Analyst (Monrovia)
Private daily published in Monrovia, focusing on news and analysis.
Visit their site: http://www.analystnewspaper.com/
Angola Press Agency (Luanda)
Government-owned news service.
Visit their site: http://www.angolapress-angop.ao/
Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (Dakar)
Francophone press agency
Visit their site: http://www.aps.sn/
Arc-en-Ciel (Bujumbura)
News and analysis weekly
Cape Argus (Cape Town)
Major afternoon daily in South Africa's legislative capital
Visit their site: http://www.capeargus.co.za
Rwanda News Agency/Agence Rwandaise d'Information (Kigali)
A private news agency, daily up date in French and english
Visit their site: http://www.ari-rna.co.rw
Arusha Times (Arusha)
A weekly newspaper published every Saturday
Visit their site: http://www.arushatimes.co.tz/
L'Aurore (Conakry)
Le medium guinee du scoop et de la precision de l'info
Visit their site: http://laurore.press-guinee.com/
Balancing Act (London)
Visit their site: http://balancingact-africa.com/
Bamako Matin (Bamako)
General information Francophone daily
Business Daily Rwanda (Kigali)
Visit their site: http://www.businessdaily.rw/
Le Bénin Aujourd'hui (Cotonou)
Le Bénin Aujourd'hui est un hebdomadaire d'information générale, mais qui met l'accent sur les enquetes, les reportages et consacre une large part de ses colones à l'actualité africaine.
Biz-Community (Cape Town)
Visit their site: http://www.bizcommunity.com
Burundi Réalités (Bujumbura)
Visit their site: http://www.burundirealite.org/
Business Daily (Nairobi)
Visit their site: http://www.bdafrica.com/
Business Day (Johannesburg)
South Africa's major business-oriented daily
Visit their site: http://www.bday.co.za/
Business in Africa (Johannesburg)
Offers an exceptional range of business contents and knowledge
Visit their site: http://www.businessinafrica.net/
Cameroon Tribune (Yaoundé)
Bilingual daily publication from Cameroun
Visit their site: http://www.cameroon-tribune.net
The Chronicle (Lilongwe)
The Citizen (Dar es Salaam)
One of Dar es Salaam's leading English daily newspapers; published by the Nation Media Group
Visit their site: http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/
Concord Times (Freetown)
Independent daily from Sierra Leone
Daily Champion (Lagos)
A dynamic, independent source of news and information in Nigeria.
Visit their site: http://www.champion-newspapers.com/
The Daily Monitor (Addis Ababa)
Private Ethiopian daily published in Addis Ababa
The Daily Observer (Banjul)
Daily pro-government newspaper from Gambia
Visit their site: http://www.observer.gm/enews/
Daily Trust (Abuja)
Printed and published by Media Trust Nigeria Limited in the capital city
Visit their site: http://www.dailytrust.com/
East African Business Week (Kampala)
Visit their site: http://www.busiweek.com/
The East African Standard (Nairobi)
Visit their site: http://www.eastandard.net/
The East African (Nairobi)
Business-oriented regional weekly from the Nation Group
Visit their site: http://www.nationmedia.com/eastafrican/current/
The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa)
State-owned daily newspaper published in Addis Ababa
Visit their site: http://www.ethpress.gov.et/Herald/articlefront.asp
L'Express (Port Louis)
Quotidien d'expression française publié à Port Louis
Visit their site: http://www.lexpress.mu
L'Express de Madagascar (Antananarivo)
Information et d'analyse, actualité sur Madagascar, politique, économie, social,fait-divers,reportage, interview,dossier, toutes les informations
Visit their site: http://www.lexpressmada.com
Fahamu (Oxford)
Visit their site: http://www.fahamu.org/
Financial Gazette (Harare)
Weekly business coverage of Zimbabwe and southern African
Visit their site: http://www.fingaz.co.zw/
Focus Media (Kigali)
FOROYAA Newspaper (Serrekunda)
A private newspaper focusing on legal issues published twice weekly.
Fraternité (Cotonou)
Quotidien Beninois d'information et d'analyse
Visit their site: http://www.fraternite-info.com/
Fraternité Matin (Abidjan)
Visit their site: http://news.abidjan.net/presse/fratmat.htm
Freedom Newspaper (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Gambia's Premier Online Newspaper
Visit their site: http://www.freedomnewspaper.com/
Gabonews (Libreville)
Visit their site: http://www.gabonews.ga/
Garowe Online (Garowe)
Daily news publication
Visit their site: http://www.garoweonline.com
La Gazette de la Grande Ile (Antananarivo)
Quotidien national indépendant d'informations générales et d'analyses
Ghanaian Chronicle (Accra)
Daily newspaper published in Accra, Ghana
Visit their site: http://www.ghanaian-chronicle.com/
The Herald (Harare)
Government-owned newspaper published in the capital city.
Visit their site: http://www.herald.co.zw/
The Independent (Freetown)
Daily non-partisan newspaper that encourages community participation in publications
Info Matin (Bamako)
General information Francophone daily
Visit their site: http://www.info-matin.com/
Infos Plus Gabon (Libreville)
Visit their site: http://www.infosplusgabon.com/
The Inquirer (Monrovia)
Visit their site: http://www.theinquirer.com.lr/
L'Intelligent d'Abidjan (Abidjan)
General information francophone daily.
Visit their site: http://www.lintelligentdabidjan.org/
Inter Press Service (Johannesburg)
Visit their site: http://www.ipsnews.net/africa/
UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (Nairobi)
Updates on conflicts and news from throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Visit their site: http://www.irinnews.org/
Leadership (Abuja)
A private daily out of Nigeria's capital city
Visit their site: http://www.leadershipnigeria.com
Les Echos (Bamako)
Visit their site: http://www.jamana.org/lesechos/index.html
Libération (Casablanca)
Francophone Moroccan Daily
Visit their site: http://www.liberation.press.ma/
L’Autre Quotidien (Cotonou)
Journal d’information d’analyse et d’investigation
Visit their site: http://www.lautrequotidien.com/
Le Messager (Douala)
Visit their site: http://www.lemessager.net/
Midi Madagasikara (Antananarivo)
Midi Madagasikara est le premier quotidien national d'information diffusé à Madagascar. Créé en 1983 par Marthe Andriambelo, il est édité par la société anonyme du même nom.
Visit their site: http://www.midi-madagasikara.mg/
Mmegi/The Reporter (Gaborone)
Daily from Botswana
Visit their site: http://www.mmegi.bw/
The Monitor (Kampala)
Uganda's privately owned daily
Visit their site: http://www.monitor.co.ug/
Namibia Economist (Windhoek)
Visit their site: http://www.economist.com.na/
The Namibian (Windhoek)
Leading independent daily published in Windhoek
Visit their site: http://www.namibian.com.na/
The Nation (Nairobi)
Major private Kenyan daily and Sunday newspaper
Visit their site: http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/
New Era (Windhoek)
Maeura Office Park, 1st Floor, West Wing, Windhoek
Visit their site: http://www.newera.com.na/
The New Times (Kigali)
A government-leaning newspaper published daily
Visit their site: http://www.newtimes.co.rw/
New Vision (Kampala)
Government-owned daily and Sunday newspaper
Visit their site: http://www.newvision.co.ug/
The NEWS (Monrovia)
Liberian weekly news published in Monrovia
Visit their site: http://www.thenews.com.lr/
Nord-Sud (Abidjan)
Francophone paper
Visit their site: http://www.nordsudmedia.info/
Notre Voie (Abidjan)
Visit their site: http://www.notrevoie.com/
Le Nouveau Réveil (Abidjan)
Francophone daily
Visit their site: http://www.lenouveaureveil.com/
La Nouvelle Relève (Kigali)
Francophone paper
L'Observateur Paalga (Ouagadougou)
Visit their site: http://www.lobservateur.bf/
Liberian Observer (Monrovia)
Visit their site: http://liberianobserver.com/
Le Patriote (Abidjan)
Daily Ivorian newspaper
Visit their site: http://lepatriote.net/
Le Pays (Ouagadougou)
Visit their site: http://www.lepays.bf/
Le Phare (Kinshasa)
Congolese daily published in Kinshasa
Visit their site: http://www.lepharerdc.com/
PlusNews (Johannesburg)
A leader in specialist reporting on HIV and AIDS in Africa
Visit their site: http://www.plusnews.org
The Post (Buea)
Visit their site: http://www.postnewsline.com/
Le Potentiel (Kinshasa)
Congolese daily published in Kinshasa
Visit their site: http://www.lepotentiel.com/
La Presse (Tunis)
Visit their site: http://www.lapresse.tn
La Prospérité (Kinshasa)
Visit their site: http://www.laprosperiteonline.net/
Public Agenda (Accra)
Ghanaian weekly independent newspaper
Visit their site: http://www.ghanaweb.com/public_agenda/
Le Quotidien Mutations (Yaoundé)
Visit their site: http://www.quotidienmutations.info
Rwanda Development Gateway (Butare)
Rwanda Development Gateway (RDG) is a project of the Government of Rwanda run under the National University of Rwanda (NUR). The RDG is implementing a Program to set up a National Portal as platform for information sharing. The Portal represents a one-sto
Visit their site: http://www.rwandagateway.org
The Reporter (Addis Ababa)
Ethiopian weekly published on Friday
Visit their site: http://www.ethiopianreporter.com/
Republic of Togo (Lomé)
Portail officiel de la République Togolaise
Visit their site: http://www.republicoftogo.com/
San Finna (Ouagadougou)
Visit their site: http://www.sanfinna.com/
Shabait.com (Asmara)
news and commentary from the Ministry of Information of the State of Eritrea
Visit their site: http://www.shabait.com/
Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)
Visit their site: http://www.shabelle.net/news/english.htm
Sidwaya (Ouagadougou)
Visit their site: http://www.sidwaya.bf/
Le Soleil (Dakar)
Visit their site: http://www.lesoleil.sn/
SouthScan (London)
A bulletin of Southern African Affairs
Visit their site: http://southscan.gn.apc.org/
Sud Quotidien (Dakar)
Visit their site: http://www.sudonline.sn/
Sunday Times (Johannesburg)
A National Sunday newspaper published by Johnnic Publishing Ltd.
Visit their site: http://www.sundaytimes.co.za
SW Radio Africa (London)
Independent Zimbabwean radio station, based in London.
Visit their site: http://www.swradioafrica.com
This Day (Lagos)
Leading independent daily published in Lagos, Nigeria
Visit their site: http://www.thisdayonline.com/
The Times of Zambia (Ndola)
Government-owned daily and Sunday newspaper
Visit their site: http://www.times.co.zm/
TOMRIC News Agency (Dar es Salaam)
News service based in Tanzania's commercial capital
Archive only Dec 1999 - May 2002
La Tribune (Algiers)
Visit their site: http://www.latribune-online.com/
Tunisia Online (Tunis)
News reports from the Tunisia Information Service
Visit their site: http://www.tunisiaonline.com/
Umuntu LUMIERE (Bujumbura)
UN News Service (New York)
Visit their site: http://www0.un.org/apps/news/region.asp?Region=AFRICA
Vanguard (Lagos)
Major daily newspaper published in Lagos
Visit their site: http://www.vanguardngr.com/
The Voice (Francistown)
Visit their site: http://www.thevoicebw.com/
Wal Fadjri (Dakar)
Visit their site: http://www.walf.sn/
Weekly Trust (Abuja)
Weekend edition of the "Daily Trust": see above
Visit their site: http://www.dailytrust.com/weekly/home.htm
Zimbabwe Independent (Harare)
Independent newspaper published on Fridays
Visit their site: http://www.thezimbabweindependent.com/
Zimbabwe Standard (Harare)
Independent Sunday paper, sister publication of Zimbabwe Independent
Visit their site: http://www.thezimbabwestandard.com/
Source: allAfrica.com